What is

Gynecomastia is the enlargement of the glandular component of the male breast. The condition can affect one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly. Diet and exercise alone cannot resolve the condition, as the breast glands and fat tissues must be surgically reduced. You may experience...

  • Swollen or prominent breast gland tissue
  • Tenderness in the breast area
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Pain

Our specialist

At Karidis Clinic, our specialist Gynecomastia surgical procedure, removes excess glandular and fatty tissue from the male breast resulting in a flatter, more masculine appearance to the chest area.

Our leading surgeon Mr Alex Karidis’ innovative gynecomastia stitching technique has won the prestigious Hackett Memorial Prize awarded by the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS). Our gynecomastia before and after images highlight our exceptional results.

My male breast reduction surgery
Dan Yeomans
"Re-gain control of your life, your confidence and return to your former self. This is
such a common procedure that there isn’t any need to be worried, especially when you
have the reassuring team at Karidis behind you. Just do it, book a consultation and speak
to someone about it. It may very well be the best thing you ever do."


“My quilting technique for male breast reduction was extrapolated from a facelift technique. The idea was to quilt the skin down. When you’re removing tissue from underneath the skin, you’re effectively leaving an empty space between the skin and muscle and, immediately after surgery, you can be left with broken blood vessels that leak into the empty space, filling and causing a haematoma.”

“In the male breast reduction, this isn’t desirable as you want a flat chest obviously so with the quilting technique, I’m stitching the skin to the muscle to close off that empty space. It also helps guide the skin where you want it to heal, nudging into place and not leaving anything to chance.”

Mr Alex Karidis

Leading London plastic surgeon

  • My genuine
    & honest review

    To say the operation is a life changer would be an understatement. It genuinely has changed the way I view my body as a whole and has given me the confidence to finally wear T-shirt’s without worrying what it looks like from the side (which used to drive my wife up the wall) and am finally happy to go swimming without feeling self conscious.

  • Excellence on
    every front

    I had the most incredible experience with the Karidis Clinic and could not be more ecstatic with the results of my procedure - i am constantly recieving compliments! My recovery was painless and swift due to the standard of care I recieved. I would highly recommend anyone considering a procedure to book for a consultation.

  • Great

    All I want to say i wish i did this procedure (gynecomastia & abdominal liposuction) a long time ago. A big thanks to Dr. Karidis and his team, they have been informative and helpful and made the whole journey smooth. The after care was great thanks to Vivi you were amazing thank you so much. The results are amazing even though its only been 5 weeks. Thank you again Karidis for making this happen.

  • It has genuinely
    changed my life

    I had male breast reduction surgery (lipo & gland removal) with Mr Karidis around 4 months ago now. The results are amazing. I now have a chest that looks natural and well contoured. After just a couple of months i can’t even see the scaring, of which there was barely any to start with due to the tiny incisions made, its amazing. Now i can finally wear normal t shirts and shirts with confidence and feel so much better about myself.

Learn More About Our
Gynecomastia Procedure
Quick Reference Guide
Gynecomastia Surgery
Request A Consultation
With One Of Our Experts
  • What is Gynecomastia?

    The term gynecomastia – pronounced guy-nee-co-mastia – comes from the Greek meaning for ‘woman’s breast’ and refers to the development of excess glandular or fatty breast tissue in men.

    While the term gynecomastia strictly refers to enlargement of the glandular component of the breast, most patients have an excess of both fatty and glandular tissue. Whether male or female, the breast is made from two components – glandular tissue and fatty tissue. The ratio of glandular to fatty tissue in any breast varies from individual to individual. The severity of the condition will vary for each individual, ranging from very mild symptoms to significant enlargement of the male breast, accompanied by sagging of the skin. The condition can affect one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly. Diet and exercise alone cannot resolve the condition, as the breast glands and fat tissues must be surgically reduced.

  • What are the causes of Gynecomastia?

    Although there is no definitive cause of gynaecomastia, the condition is thought to be the result of hormones circulating in specific cells in the breast area. As such, symptoms of the condition are generally apparent after puberty, although the condition may be visible at birth.

    An imbalance of the ratio of male and female hormones in the body is also thought to contribute to the development of the condition. While in the majority of cases the cause of gynaecomastia is developmental, in some instances the condition is linked to the use of substances such as anabolic steroids or marijuana.

    Often, the condition may be genetic or hereditary, or as a result of organ disease.

  • What are the symptoms of Gynecomastia?

    The primary symptoms of gynaecomastia are: swollen or prominent breast gland tissue OR tenderness in the breast area.

    You may also experience symptoms including: swelling, tenderness, pain or nipple discharge in one or both breasts

  • What is the treatment of Gynecomastia?

    Gynaecomastia is treated with a specialist surgical procedure. Removing excess glandular and fatty tissue from the male breast results in a flatter, more masculine appearance to the chest area.

    A very small incision measuring 3-4 mm is made under each arm, into which a cannula is inserted to draw away any fatty deposits in the area. A smooth, thin layer of fat is left under the skin to ensure there is no rippling or irregularities in the area.

    Next, a small, crescent-shaped incision is made at the base of the areola, through which any excess glandular tissue is removed. Both incisions are left open to drain and should heal within a few days after surgery.

  • Am I suited for male breast reduction surgery?

    Your suitability for gynaecomastia surgery will be determined during your consultation with Mr Karidis.

    The quality of your skin is a primary factor in determining if you are suitable for gynaecomastia surgery. In order to achieve the best result from the procedure, you should be within 10% of your ideal body weight and have good skin elasticity. In most cases, the skin is able to shrink and accommodate to the new body contour after liposuction and gland removal.

    Sometimes patients with decreased skin elasticity may find they have loose, hanging skin in the affected area. In these cases, liposuction alone will not produce the desired result and may require some form of skin reduction, often in combination with liposuction.

  • How much does male breast reduction surgery cost?

    Gynaecomastia surgery requires a surgeon fee, an anaesthetist fee and a hospital fee. The exact costs of the procedure will be discussed during your consultation when you can also see our patients’ before and after results following gynaecomastia surgery.

  • What is the recovery time for male breast reduction surgery?

    The gynaecomastia recovery time varies with every patient and the type of activity you intend to resume. While the incisions made during surgery are very small, liposuction creates a large wound hidden under the skin.

    Healing is a gradual process, so adequate rest in the days after surgery is essential. Sleeping with your upper body slightly elevated to help quicken any reduction in swelling and bruising.

    Typically, you can expect to be back at work within 5-7 days after surgery, resuming light exercise after 2 weeks. You should avoid any strenuous upper body exercise for at least 3 weeks after surgery. It is very common to have some bruising, swelling and minor initial lumpiness to the area after surgery.

    It is also fairly common to appear slightly uneven. This is often completely normal and will settle over the course of the coming weeks.

    Contact us if you experience symptoms including: heavy bleeding, pain, excessive swelling, pockets of fluid or a persistent high temperature (above 37.5 degrees for 12 hours or more)

    You may feel numb or tingly in some areas due to some nerve irritation. This usually resolved within the first 6 months of surgery. Around 7 – 14 days after surgery you will need to return to the clinic to review your result and check you are healing well. You will usually see Mr Karidis around 6 weeks after surgery for a routine check-up.

    You can expect to see the final result within 6 – 9 months after surgery. Once treated, gynaecomastia will not return, as the glands are removed.

  • What are the risks associated with male breast reduction surgery?

    All cosmetic surgery carries some uncertainty and risk. When performed by a highly qualified and experienced plastic surgeon such as Mr Karidis, complications are infrequent and usually minor. Individuals do however vary greatly in their anatomy, their physical reactions, and their healing abilities, and the outcome is never completely predictable.

    Complications are rare but can include: scarring at the site of the surgical incisions, irregularities of contour or dimpling of the area treated, unevenness or asymmetry between sides, prolonged numbness and swelling, haematoma or seroma formation (a collection of blood or fluid under the skin) OR infection.

    Potential risks and complications will be discussed in detail during your consultation with Mr Karidis. After pioneering his own successful treatment methods and trialling the latest surgical devices, Mr Karidis is one of the UK’s leading gynaecomastia surgeons and performs on average, 100 successful procedures per year.