6 Steps to Summer Legs with EMSCULPT

Emsculpt for toning legs

CoolSculpting is no longer offered at Karidis Clinic. Call us on 0207 432 8727 or email us at enquiries@karidis.co.uk to find out what exciting new body reshaping treatments we offer.

Do you feel slightly nervous when temperatures start to rise and your legs have to make an appearance? Although Summer may still feel some way off, now’s the time to start prepping your legs for warmer weather as many aesthetic treatments need a few sessions for optimal results.

Here’s the Karidis Clinic treatment guide to perfect pins:

1. EMSCULPT NEO for toning legs

If you’re worried you’ve left it too late to tone up your legs, don’t despair. EMSCULPT is a revolutionary treatment that builds muscle and burns fat without any downtime. It uses non-invasive electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to induce thousands of muscle contractions, equivalent to 20,000 squats, in just one 30-minute session. Four sessions are recommended for optimal outcome and, on average, this results in a 19% fat loss and 16% muscle mass increase, delivering toned thighs and a boosted booty.

2. Exilis Ultra 360 for lifting saggy knees

Exilis Elite is an exciting, award-winning treatment for reducing fat and tightening skin and can be used on both the face and the body. As well as the thighs, it can also be used to lift sagging skin on the knees, often a common concern for women as they age. Exilis uses radiofrequency to break up fat cells, so they are safely absorbed by the body before being flushed out through the lymphatic system. RF energy also stimulates collagen fibres to induce a skin tightening effect.

3. VBeam for eradicating spider veins

Small spider veins, known as telangiectasia or superficial leg veins, are a common leg concern we see here in clinic. Although they are harmless, many women suffer from these small clusters of blue or red veins, marring even the smoothest and toned limbs. VBeam is the gold standard treatment for spider veins, as well as other pigment issues. A focused but gentle burst of laser energy is delivered into the treatment area, destroying the blood vessels of the spider veins without damaging the surrounding tissue. The number of sessions required depends on the size and severity of the spider veins.

4. CoolSculpting for tightening inner thighs

The inner thighs are typically a challenging area to target and CoolSculpting is a highly effective, non-surgical treatment for reducing pockets of stubborn fat. This innovative therapy uses cryolipolysis to freeze the thigh fat cells, permanently destroying them. The body then safely flushes out the fat cells, reducing thigh circumference over the following weeks and months.

5. Body Ballancer for banishing cellulite

Body Ballancer is no longer offered at Karidis Clinic. Call us on 0207 432 8727 or email us at enquiries@karidis.co.uk to find out more about the body treatments we offer.

Body Ballancer can work the whole body as the name suggests but it’s particularly good for the legs and is one of the few effective cellulite therapies available. Body Ballancer’s compression system delivers a firm massage to boost circulation, stimulate lymphatic drainage, and flood the treated area with healthy oxygenated blood. Regular Body Ballancer massages can break up cellulite, achieve firm, smooth skin, and reduce volume.

6. DIY treatments for at-home leg prep

If you’re indulging in some at-home leg prep, the sooner you start regular exfoliation and body brushing, the better the results. Skin will have a healthy glow from boosting fresh, nutrient-rich blood flow. Body brushing also stimulates the lymphatic system and its recommended you either buff with long, sweeping upward strokes or small circular patterns.

For more advice on any of the treatments we offer at Karidis Clinic, call 0207 432 8727 to arrange a consultation with one of our non-surgical team. We also offer surgical procedures to target fat deposits on the knees, including knee liposuction.