How to Tighten Sagging Skin on Your Face

Sagging skin is unavoidable as we get older, however much we commit to looking after ourselves both inside and out. The skin on the face can sag in different ways. Fine lines and wrinkles emerge, bags form under the eyes, and folds deepen between the nose and mouth and down to the jaw, jowls and […]

Mr Alex Karidis celebrates 25 years

CoolSculpting is no longer offered at Karidis Clinic. Call us on 0207 432 8727 or email us at to find out what exciting new body reshaping treatments we offer.   As we reach a milestone moment at Karidis Clinic – Mr Alex Karidis established his plastic surgery practice at the Hospital of St John […]

International Nurses Day: spotlight on our squad

Every year on 12 May, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth, International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world. Karidis Clinic is super-powered by nurses, and we take this moment to honour their hard work and dedication. This year’s International Nurses Day, the focus is on showcasing their incredible work and the difference they make […]

Your face or your figure? New study proves fat loss accelerates the ageing process

As many of us might be struggling with new year weight loss resolutions about this time, it’s interesting to note that losing the pounds might make our clothes fit better but will not do us any favours in terms of facial ageing. A new US study has proven that the phenomenon known as ‘Diet Face’ […]

The Changing Face of Beauty

Injectables have long been a popular alternative to cosmetic surgery to stave off the ageing process for women in their 40s, 50s and beyond. But now we’re seeing the emergence of a new type of patient who are all about the angles rather than anti-ageing. Social media has been the big driver for this change […]

New to Karidis Clinic: Thread Lift

At Karidis Clinic, we are always excited to offer our patients every possible option. A thread lift is a fabulous alternative to the facelift; producing an instant lift followed by an ongoing boost as collagen-production is stimulated over the following months. As a minimally-invasive procedure, there is less downtime and less chance of potential complications, […]

Introducing the Signature K Facelift

No one is exempt from the ageing process which is why the facelift remains the gold standard of facial rejuvenation procedures. Our patients expect us to deliver unparalleled results which is why we’ve created the Signature K Facelift. The Signature K Facelift: Bespoke Every patient is unique with different ageing concerns, which is why the […]

Mr Alex Karidis comments on Simon Cowell’s transformation for the Daily Mail

X Factor is back and the biggest shock so far for viewers is how different Simon Cowell is looking. Earlier this year, he claimed that his new vegan diet-induced weight loss was the cause, but it has left fans divided, with some claiming he looks like a completely different person, with others thinking he looks […]

Thread Lifts vs Ulthera

Thread lifts vs Ulthera – real life tips for considering which non-surgical jaw defining and lifting treatment is best for you by Deborah Vine at Karidis Clinic The X-Files actress Gillian Anderson is officially my icon. She has a beautifully defined jawline and her appearances in The Fall and War and Peace recently spurred me […]