When we get to a certain age it’s not that we want to look younger but we do want to look and feel great. A happy, healthy and positive countenance is what makes us deeply attractive and here I share real tips that I know boost well being; add a glide to your stride and a twinkle in your eye.
- Be “responsibly selfish” – As women we often put our needs last on the list – putting children, partners and even the dog before ourselves. But now it’s time to carve out space for you to relax, take up new hobbies, exercise, eat well and invest in your wellbeing and development.
- Have goals – When we feel we are working towards something life takes on a new dynamic. Why not learn a new skill or language, start a small online business, take up dancing or have a challenge – half marathon, climb K2, drop a dress size and start to make a plan towards it.
- Count your blessings – Research has shown that people who keep a gratitude journal – writing down 3 things each day that they are grateful for – have happier more fulfilled lives. When we feel blessed life feels meaningful and full.
- Stop controlling – There are very few things we can truly control – other people, our future, the now – yet as women we feel it falls to us to take the lead, order things and make it OK for everyone. Learn to live more in the now. It is, after all, all we have.
- Worry less about pleasing others – When we live for compliments from others or are constantly worried about not being good enough we are putting our happiness in the hands of others. You will never find true peace or confidence living through the lens of approval. Get that who you are is MORE than good enough.
- Act “as if” – If you want an instant boost of fabulousness then act as it that’s what you already are and people will respond accordingly. Act confident, youthful, a love magnet or successful and people will buy into it and treat you that way. Now practice your wiggle, stride or red carpet mince.
- Celebrate the day – Stop saving your best dresses, shoes, lipstick, perfumes and body lotions for high days and holidays. Seize the day and look and feel your best always and lavish yourself with all your best stuff right here and right now. It’s amazing how instantly feel good that is.
- Don’t put life on hold – happiness and feeling fabulous is not something outside of you, over there, way in the future. Often we think “I will be happy when … I meet Mr Right/earn X amount/drop a dress size/achieve XYZ” but happiness is something you “be” not wait to become. What if you had everything within you right this minute to be happy and complete?
- Look for silver linings – as humans we are hard wired to go to the negative, to be vigilant and expect the worst to happen. But train your brain to seek the positive, to look on the bright side and to be philosophical about change and challenge. Instead of catastrophising life ask the simple but rare question – “what’s the best that could happen?”
- Learn to “let go” – nothing ages us like bitterness, anger and resentment. Life delivers knocks, blows and setbacks to us all and it is our ability to be resilient and to “let go” of negative experiences which dictates our happiness and future wellbeing. Make peace with the past and move on.
- Learn to meditate – people who meditate look younger, have less stress and enjoy greater health. Even 15 minutes a day will help anchor you and can de-stress and rebalance your mood. Down load HeadSpace app for free and you can even do it on your daily commute.
- Eat with joy – most of us have been fiddling with fad diets all of our lives. Now it’s time to make peace with your body and enjoy life and your food. Invest in organic home delivered boxes, make homemade soups and luxuriate in food that taste good – avocados, prawns, mango, quinoa, Greek yoghurt and that do you good too.
- Don’t sweat the small stuff – declutter your life of extraneous, tiresome, ugly or useless things. That includes your home, your thoughts and your community of friends!
- Find your tribe – as age increases confidence we find we often outgrow friends who are users or drags. Find new friends, network in different circles and find a supportive, like-minded community who support you and make you feel good.
- Smile – we look so much better when we remember to smile. People who laugh often have greater tolerance to pain both physical and emotional and they are certainly nicer to be around.
For a free 30 minute session with life coach Carole Ann Rice visit www.realcoachingco.com