New survey identifies what drives women to improve body shape

Coolsculpting for Fat Reduction

CoolSculpting is no longer offered at Karidis Clinic. Call us on 0207 432 8727 or email us at to find out what exciting new body reshaping treatments we offer.


What motivates us to make committed and sustained changes is highly personal and what drives one person, will leave another unmoved. Changing our body shape can be one of the biggest decisions we make, as anyone who has formed – and failed – a New Year’s resolution knows.

Health concerns are a common trigger for making significant lifestyle changes, but what if you’re within a normal healthy weight range, but just dissatisfied with your body shape? Recently, a leading aesthetic device manufacturer asked 1,000 women in the UK what motivated them to get into better shape:

  • An unflattering photo: half of all respondents said that seeing a less than flattering picture of themselves would drive them to make a change
  • One-third of the women surveyed, however, said that not fitting into their clothes would propel them into action
  • Changes to their body post-childbirth was also a big factor, affecting 8% of respondents
  • One in 20 women said that a bad break-up would prompt a desire for a new look physique
  • Peer pressure was cited by some, but only 2% said that they were influenced by celebrities

CoolSculpting for fat reduction, not weight loss

Although they may sound very similar, fat reduction and weight loss are two very different things. The women surveyed were all at a healthy weight but wanted to improve body shape which is where a fat reduction treatment such as CoolSculpting is so effective.

CoolSculpting is the only non-surgical treatment that has been cleared by the FDA in the US for fat reduction. CoolSculpting works by destroying the fat cells through a process known as cryolipolysis. The fat cells are frozen and then safely removed by the body.

It is particularly effective for targeting the dreaded double chin, bingo wings, love handles, muffin top, post-baby belly, back fat and chubby thighs; all the areas that women hate.

At Karidis Clinic, we know that results are all important, which is why we’ve designed our CoolSculpting packages. Rather than charging per session, we’ve created our Transformation Treatments that target your area of a concern for a set price. Whether you want to tackle your flanks, abdomen, arms or legs, you can now focus on your decreasing inches rather than the increasing cost.