No needle, no scars. How fat freezing really works

Coolsculpt before and afters Karidis Laila Fengyu 2

CoolSculpting is no longer offered at Karidis Clinic. Call us on 0207 432 8727 or email us at to find out what exciting new body reshaping treatments we offer.


Our senior patient liaison for the Chinese community, Laila Fengyu, blogged about the benefits of CoolSculpting fat freezing on her Chinese blog. Here is a (translated!) extract with some brilliant pictures illustrating before, during and after the procedure.

Once upon a time, traditional liposuction used with aesthetic and a suction device was the main option available for fat reduction. Now, impressive technological advances mean that new treatments using ultrasound, radiofrequency and laser lipolysis are fast becoming preferred methods to melt or break down fat cells. No more suffering from traditional liposuction.

Britain originally developed the first fat freezing treatment (called Cooltech) but now the more advanced and effective US-born Coolsculpting for non-invasive fat reduction is FDA approved, safe and effective way to reduce up to 30% fat cells.

Coolsculpting uses a cryogenic treatment device where a cold wave is transmitted to the pockets of fat. Cold fat cells die and the body’s own metabolic processes excrete the fat cells naturally. The Coolsculpting treatment has shown to reduce fat cells by up to 30%.

Laila snapped some great pictures before, during and after a CoolSculpting treatment at Karidis London – check them out and let us know what you think.

If you’d like to book a complimentary consultation to assess your suitability for CoolSculpting, email or call 020 7432 8727.