A sharply defined jawline is seen as a sign of youth and beauty and so a common aesthetic concern is the appearance of jowls and sagging along the jaw.

Jowls are saggy skin that everybody has to some degree below the chin and some men and women are genetically predisposed to them, whatever their age. As you age, these jowls can become much more prominent, and they are often one of the first areas to give away the signs of ageing. When they become very noticeable, they can lead to decreased confidence and self-esteem.

What causes jowls to develop?

Ageing tends to be the leading cause of jowls to develop. Collagen and elastin are the two proteins in the skin that give it structure and elasticity. From our 20s onwards, the levels of collagen and elastin in the dermis begins to deplete and the skin along the jawline begins to sag.

However, there are also factors which can cause them to develop at a faster rate. Leading a sedentary lifestyle, losing a lot of weight, and a poor diet can all contribute towards the development of deeper jowls. Sun damage can also accelerate the breakdown of collagen, causing further sagging.

Will losing weight get rid of a sagging jawline?

While in some cases losing weight can help, most people find the sagging is still very noticeable. The skin has stretched to accommodate the fatty tissue and if weight is lost very quickly, the skin can’t snap back quickly enough. For this reason, surgical treatment is often the best way to eliminate them completely.

ASSOCIATED PROCEDURES: Thread Lifts, Facelift, Ultherapy


Thread Lift London

Facial ageing such as loss of definition along the jawline, drooping in the brow or eye area, the appearance of a double chin and sagging in the midface that can result in sagging jowls, can all be greatly improved by facial threads, also known as a thread lift.

The thread lift can be the perfect solution for those that are just noticing these visible signs of ageing or are unsure or unable to undergo more invasive facial rejuvenation surgery at this time.

Discover our thread lift treatments


Facelift Surgeon London

A facelift (rhytidectomy) is a surgical procedure that can improve the most visible signs of the ageing process by eliminating excess fat, tightening and elevating the muscles beneath the skin of the face and by removing or repositioning sagging skin.

Discover our facelift procedures


Ultherapy London

Ultherapy is the only non-invasive procedure which has been FDA-cleared. We use this treatment at our London clinic to lift skin on the neck and on the eyebrow. It is also highly effective at treating sagging jowls.

Discover our Ultherapy treatments


Exilis Ultra 360 in London

Exilis Ultra 360 is an award-winning, FDA-approved treatment for tightening the skin and reducing stubborn fat deposits located on the body. Exilis Ultra 360 can also noticeably improve the appearance of fine lines and sagging skin on the face and neck and is particularly effective for treating sagging jowls.

RF energy breaks up the fat cells which are then flushed out through the body’s lymphatic system, so fat is permanently removed. The RF energy also stimulates collagen fibres, so the skin is tightened and toned.

Discover our Exilis Ultra treatment


questions to ask before having a facelift

A SMAS facelift is an advanced facial rejuvenation procedure and incorporates both the lifting and tightening of your jowls, cheeks and upper neck. By choosing Karidis Clinic in London for your SMAS facelift, you’ll have the peace of mind that your results will be natural-looking.

Discover our SMAS facelift treatment


Deep plane facelift London

Deep plane facelift surgery is the skillful uncovering of the anatomical plane under the muscles known as the Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System, SMAS (the fibrous tissue and the skin’s plasma). The facelift lifts this, all in one, upwards. As your surgeon will be working underneath your muscles, your skin remains looking natural, never stretched or tight.

Discover our deep plane facelift treatment

TREATMENT OPTION: MyEllevate jawline contouring

SMAS Facelift Surgery

MyEllevate Jawline Contouring offers a unique approach to facial rejuvenation for men and women who do not want to undergo invasive surgery.

Discover our MyEllevate jawline contouring treatments