Abdominoplasty – No Quick Fix 

Tummy tuck preparation

It’s not surprising that the easing of lockdown has fuelled demand for body reshaping procedures, such as tummy tucks/mini tummy tucks and liposuction, as we all want to look our best when we are finally able to socialise without restrictions. Cosmetic surgery, though, should always be approached with caution and the role of the ethical plastic surgeon is to guide patients to making informed decisions before they proceed – or even turning down prospective patients if surgery is not appropriate at this time.

Last year, the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, one of the UK’s leading independent plastic surgery organisations, warned the public not to fall for unscrupulous providers who were offering surgery as a ‘quick fix’ post-lockdown. Mr Alex Karidis will choose not to perform an abdominoplasty or liposuction procedure because the patient is not ready for surgery at that point or has unrealistic expectations.

A tummy tuck can’t help you lose weight

Although a tummy tuck can get rid of a small amount of excess fat along with loose skin, one of the most common misconceptions is that an abdominoplasty is a weight loss procedure. A good tummy tuck candidate is someone who is at or near their optimum weight but is troubled by a protruding abdomen and/or sagging skin.

Mr Karidis will often advise patients that by working towards this ideal weight they are more likely to achieve the smaller, more defined waistline they are hoping for.

A tummy tuck can achieve a more toned abdomen

Many men and women – even if they are slim and toned elsewhere – find their stomach is their problem area. Whether due to genetics, ageing, weight fluctuations or pregnancy, our abdominal muscles become stretched and weakened, making it impossible to tone up. Small pockets of stubborn fat in this area can also very challenging to eradicate through diet and exercise alone.

During an abdominoplasty procedure, Mr Karidis will repair and suture the abdominal muscles and remove any excess fat and skin to achieve a flatter, smoother appearance.

A tummy tuck can’t prevent you putting weight on in the future

As well as not being a quick fix, an abdominoplasty is also not a permanent one. Mr Karidis always ensures that patients are fully informed about what a tummy tuck can achieve and that they realise that weight gain in the future is still possible, which will undermine your tummy tuck results. Being committed to a healthy diet and active lifestyle and keeping a stable weight are key to maintaining your results for many years to come.

To find out if you’re a suitable candidate for a tummy tuck at our London clinic, call us on  020 7432 8727 to arrange a consultation with Mr Alex Karidis.