Ultherapy: the Millennial facelift?

Ultherapy facelift

Latest figures from the US have found a surge in cosmetic surgery demand post-pandemic, driven mainly by younger women wanting to invest in themselves.

The survey of members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons found that women between the ages of 31 and 45 were not only savvy about their options for facial rejuvenation or body contouring but were also more positive and open about choosing plastic surgery than older generations.

“Millennials are very sophisticated in terms of getting the information they want. They share their experiences with other people through social media platforms or other methods. And so, these procedures are no longer taboo – they’re actually relatable and accessible,” explained Houston-based plastic surgeon and ASAPS member Bob Basu.

Millennials are also very pro prerejuvenation procedures that slow down the ageing process and often delay the need for more invasive surgery by many years. Our medical director Mr Alex Karidis is renowned for his facelift results, but is also a very keen advocate for preventative ageing:

“Plastic surgeons are not magicians, and we can only work with what you’ve got. If you’ve not taken care of your skin, protected from sun damage, or invested in treatments or procedures that tackle the underlying causes of ageing, then it will be in worse shape.

“The ageing process is unrelenting and just as your muscles will get lax and atrophy if you don’t exercise them, your skin will succumb to the ageing process if you don’t try and prevent it.

“Often the problem is that the age where you should start adopting this approach – your late thirties – is when you’re not aware of the need, as facial ageing hasn’t yet become visible.”

Ultherapy for preventative ageing

The prime cause of facial ageing is the loss of collagen and elastin in our dermis as we age. Collagen provides the scaffolding that keeps our facial tissues looking lifted and elastin is the component that provides strength and elasticity to our skin. It’s estimated that we lose 1% of collagen and elastin every year after the age of 25 and this can be exacerbated by sun damage and lifestyle factors.

Ultherapy uses precise ultrasound energy to target the deep structural layers of the skin, stimulating the production of new collagen and elastin. There is zero recovery time after as the skin’s surface is not damaged. Skin appears naturally smoother, lifted, and tighter.

In one study, patients received Ultherapy treatment on one side of the face only, to compare results. The side treated with Ultherapy demonstrated a 1.4 x average increase in the rate of collagen production and 42% increase in the rate of production of the collagen Types I and III, associated with the effects of ageing.

Tess Daly and Ultherapy

Tess Daly recommends ultherapyIn the 18 years that she has been presenting Strictly Come Dancing, Tess Daly seems to have barely aged. And she claims that Ultherapy is the secret to maintaining her ageless beauty:

“I believe in investing in my skin as I do in my general health, looking after what you have got. Ultherapy works with your own skin to leave you looking refreshed and like you have had a good 8 hours’ sleep. Ultherapy only took an hour with no downtime, and over time my skin felt more radiant, boosted and fresh.”

Aesthetic practitioner Dr Emily Strong has recently joined Karidis Clinic and is highly experienced in Ultherapy and enjoys creating bespoke multi-level rejuvenation treatment plans, combining Ultherapy, skin boosters and injectables, to create long-lasting results.

To find out more about Ultherapy or any of our prevenative ageing treatments, call 0207 432 8727 to arrange a consultation.