“It feels like I’ve wanted to have this surgery for absolutely forever. I never got around to it, which is one of those things that we tend to do. We have a priority list, and anything to do with looking after yourself always ends up at the bottom of the list. Whether that is having a haircut, going for a massage or, in my case, having surgery. But this was the year that I thought, you know what, I’m just going to do it.”

Pia recently underwent a blepharoplasty after being unhappy with the hooding and sagging on her upper lids. As a Karidis Clinic Patient Liaison, Pia was well informed about the procedure, both in terms of potential benefits and possible complications, but she found it fascinating to experience the patient journey at Karidis.

She found the Patient Coaching particularly invaluable as it helped guide her through the emotions she felt before, during and after surgery. “I’m now at the top of my priority list and feel like I’m going to stay at the top forever now.”


The blepharoplasty consultation

Pia Blepharoplasty Consultation

“I have been working with Mr Karidis at the London Karidis Clinic for just over four years now, and I love my job. I had a consultation last year with Mr Karidis, and I planned to have the surgery then, but time is like Usain Bolt and just runs away with you! So, I arranged a second consultation, and after making the decision, I had the pre-op tests and surgery booked within a month.

“I’m young at heart, but I just felt that having loose skin under my eyes made me feel older than I am. It is definitely hereditary; my grandmother, my mum and my sister all have it, so it was inevitable that I would get it as well. My sister has also chosen to have a blepharoplasty.

“I was also born in the 1970s and spent my childhood on a beach with no SPF, and I often got burned, so my skin quality has been affected. I use good-quality skincare, and I’ve had dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections. Still, it got to the point where I felt I needed surgery.

“In the last year, I have not really wanted to be in pictures even, as all I can see is the ageing under my eyes. Trying to cover it with make-up just made it worse.

“My main concern was my undereye area as I had a lot of creasing and loose skin. Mr Karidis advised that he could also see early stages of ageing on the upper eyelid, so I decided to have both an upper and lower blepharoplasty. Having worked with Mr Karidis for four years, I completely trust his advice and skills as a surgeon. I have seen many happy Karidis patients after their surgery.

“Also, there is a general anaesthetic involved and downtime after the operation, so I didn’t want to come back in three to five years and have a second procedure.

“I was very well-informed before the consultation as the Karidis Clinic patient liaison. When they contact the clinic, I provide information on all our procedures to prospective patients. I kept laughing as I asked Mr Karidis questions in the consultation. I knew the answers to all these questions, but I wanted to hear them from him because I was now the patient and needed to experience the complete patient journey.

The day of surgery

Pia Eyelid Lift consultation

“The whole experience was excellent from start to finish. The people around me were lovely, and I was constantly checked upon. As soon as I got in, they took me to my room and gave me my clothes to change into. Then, the anaesthetist introduced himself and went through a bit about what he would do. And then Mr Karidis saw me and made his surgical markings on my eyelids. He took some before pictures, and then I went down to theatre.

“They warned me beforehand that I would have a mask over my eyes when I woke up, so I didn’t feel scared. From the recovery area, I was taken to my private room, and the mask was removed.”


Pia's eyelid lift recovery

“The recovery has been relatively fast, which is standard for blepharoplasty if you’re looking after yourself and doing all the right things.

“Preparation is key, definitely. I knew I was going to spend a lot of time by myself after surgery, as my family is abroad, and my friends work full-time. The first few days are difficult as your eyes will be blurry and watery. Cooking would not be an option, so I pre-cooked many meals and put them in the freezer. I also ensured I had everything in stock, such as water bottles, toilet paper, and dry eye drops.

“I also got a lovely neck pillow that you use when travelling because, after surgery, you have to sleep on your back with your head elevated. I usually sleep on my side, so the pillow stopped me from rolling over.

“The plastic surgery patient coaching offered was also really beneficial. I have a daughter, and she’s always been my priority, but she’s 22 now and has moved out of home, so suddenly, it’s just about me and I must learn to put myself first. However, I still felt guilty, and the coaching sessions were amazing for working through this and the other emotions I was experiencing.

“The patient coach, Kimberley, helps guide you through those emotions, and I highly recommend the coaching to anyone contemplating surgery.

“The surgery has given me such a boost in self-confidence. It was the best decision I have ever made.

“I always knew it would change my aesthetic appearance, but I didn’t know how much it would change how I feel inside. I don’t feel I need to wear make-up or put filters on my photos.”

The worst and best part of having a blepharoplasty

Pia Blepharoplasty Results

“The worst part was leading up to the surgery; the anticipation, questions and doubts over what you’re doing. The best part was not just the aesthetic change but how it made me feel generally.

“I’m now at the top of my priority list and feel like I’m going to stay at the top forever now.”

Pia's Before & Afters

Pia Blepharoplasty Results