Can you lift your breasts without implants?

breast lift without implants

A woman’s body will go through many changes throughout life; whether due to ageing, pregnancy and breastfeeding, or weight fluctuations, and they can often be left dissatisfied with the appearance of their breasts, as pert and full breasts become saggy and deflated.

Breast augmentation with implants is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the UK as it can restore youthful volume. A small to moderate amount of sagging can also be corrected with the insertion of implants. However, for women with more significant sagging or if the nipples have started to point downwards, then a breast augmentation with implants as a standalone procedure will not deliver the result they are hoping for.

Can you lift your breasts without implants?

A breast uplift or mastopexy without an implant is an excellent option for women who have a good amount of breast tissue but wish to address sagging and nipple position. For more volume in the upper pole – or portion – of the breast, then implants may be required. A breast lift combined with implants known as an augmentation mastopexy is therefore a popular choice.

It will all depend on what you’re hoping to achieve and will be discussed in full at your consultation with Mr Alex Karidis.

What does breast lift surgery involve?

A breast lift without implant (or mastopexy) aims to lift the position of the breast and the nipple if required to achieve a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance of the breast. Several techniques can be employed depending on the amount of breast tissue that needs to be repositioned.

Typically, an incision is made in the fold under the breast and then a second incision is made vertically up towards the nipple. Excess skin is then removed and the breast mound reshaped. The nipple can be placed higher on the breast mound. If the areolae have become stretched, they can be made smaller.

How long is recovery from breast uplift surgery?

A breast lift or mastopexy with no implants surgery recovery is a gradual process. You can expect to be up and about after a day or two and can return to work and light activities between one to two weeks and return to exercise after four to six weeks. Heavy lifting or strenuous exercise are prohibited in the first six weeks after your operation. It is important to listen to your body and you can always ask us for advice if you’re unsure.

How long does a breast lift last?

Breast implants do not have a lifetime guarantee so you may need to have surgery in the future to replace the implants. Breast lift without implant surgery will not have the same considerations as you are not inserting a foreign body into the breast.

Typically, a breast lift will produce long-lasting results and you can expect a more rejuvenated breast appearance, but surgery will not stop the ageing process and breast tissue and skin can continue to sag and stretch over time. It is important to maintain a steady weight as further weight fluctuations can affect your results.

How painful is a breast lift?

A breast lift without implant operation itself isn’t painful as it is performed under a general anaesthetic. Immediately after your operation, your breasts will feel swollen and sore, but most patients experience only mild to moderate discomfort that should be well controlled with painkillers.

Is a breast lift safer than implants?

Both breast uplift and breast augmentation procedures are invasive surgical procedures performed under a general anaesthetic so entail potential complications which will be discussed in full at your consultation. However, a natural breast lift is safer than a breast lift with implants as you do not have the risks associated with implants.

Have more questions on the cosmetic breast surgery procedures we offer? Call us on 0207 432 8727 to arrange a consultation.