Beauty is skin deep

Skin Hydrator Profhilo

We’re delighted to announce the arrival of Profhilo treatment to Karidis Clinic, a revolutionary new skin ageing procedure that sits alongside our dermal fillers and wrinkle relaxing injectable treatments.

Profhilo was first launched in the UK in 2016, but our philosophy at Karidis Clinic is only to offer patients clinically proven treatments that deliver safe and predictable results. We have carefully assessed the data, both in terms of safety and efficacy, and feel confident that Profhilo offers something unique to our patients that are experiencing the first signs of skin ageing.

As we age, the levels of naturally-occurring collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid deplete in the skin, causing it to look dehydrated and dull, with fine lines and wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity appearing.

What is Profhilo?

Unlike dermal fillers that effectively volumise the area that they are injected, Profhilo works as a skin hydrator, dispersing in the top layer of the dermis to produce a more luminous and hydrated glow. The slow release of HA means that collagen and elastin production is stimulated, reversing fine lines and crepiness and improving skin laxity.

Want to know more about Profhilo? Here are our top 5 Profhilo FAQS:

Am I a suitable candidate for Profhilo?

Profhilo is suitable for men and women of all skin types who want to improve skin elasticity and hydration. It’s particularly effective for those that are experiencing the first signs of ageing as you may require a more invasive treatment if skin laxity is more advanced.

How many Profhilo treatments will I need?

This varies depending on the degree of skin ageing and what you’re hoping to achieve. For most patients, two Profhilo treatments, spaced four weeks apart, will produce optimal results. As well as the face, Profhilo can be used on the neck, decolletage, hands or arms and you may require more treatments in these areas.

What does a Profhilo procedure involve?

As with dermal filler injections, we will numb the treatment area with local anaesthetic cream to ensure a pain-free procedure. The hyaluronic acid is delivered in ten micro-injection sites and is quickly dispersed in the top layer of the dermis, so there’s no need for massage or risk of lumps forming afterwards.

Are there any risks with a Profhilo treatment?

Patients may experience very mild swelling and bruising at the injection site, but this will just be temporary and can be covered easily with make-up. We do not recommend Profhilo to pregnant or breastfeeding women and it is not suitable for those that are allergic to HA.

What results can I expect from Profhilo?

In the first weeks after your Profhilo treatment, you’ll see a gradual improvement in skin laxity and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as collagen and elastin is stimulated. Skin hydration will also be dramatically improved. Typically, you’ll see optimal results from Profhilo six weeks after second treatment and the longevity of your results varies, but we find patients typically need 2-3 treatments and will require a top-up between three and six months.

Do you have more questions about this new treatment? Call us on 0207 432 8727 to arrange a consultation to find out more.